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“Most trusted Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon in New Delhi”

Golden Aim AwardsFor excellence and leadership in healthcare | 26th February 2021

2nd Runner’s up at the WORLD’s first surgical video workshop held at Ahmadabad between 30-31 March 2019.

Awarded a Research Fellowship at the Royal Marsden Cancer Hospital, London in December 2006.

Gold Medal for the Best Free Paper at the 5th Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology National Conference, Lucknow, 2006.

The paper “Correlation of clinical and pathological nodal status in gingivobuccal cancers,” was named among the best four papers at the sixth national conference of the Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology, Udaipur, October 2006.

“Functional and oncologic results of Near-total Laryngectomy” won the best junior consultant paper award at the 5th SAARC Otolaryngologists Congress, New Delhi, September 2006.

A paper on Correlation of clinical and pathological nodal status in gingivobuccal cancers, awarded the third prize at AIOCON 2007, Bhubaneswar.

2nd prize at the quiz contest of the 16th Annual conference of the All India Rhinology Society, July 2003.

2nd prize at the quiz contest of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the 24th annual conference [Delhi state branch], held in April 2001.

“Rigid Bronchoscopy for Bronchial Foreign Bodies in Paediatric Patients With and Without Hopkins Telescope,” was awarded the gold medal at the Smt Mukut Saharia Award Session of the 22nd Annual Conference of A.O.I, Delhi State Branch. March 1999.