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Dr. Tapaswini Pradhan

Senior Consultant Head & Neck Oncosurgical

An experienced and accomplished Head Neck Cancer Surgeon.
She is known for keeping a human face behind all the intricacies of science and technology providing cancer care with empathy and trust.

Services Offered


Years of Experience


Awards & Achievements


Happy Patients
What They’re Saying

Dear Dr. Pradhan
I am penning these lines to express my heartfelt gratitude. I met you at the lowest in my life, diagnosed and completely clueless with a mouth cancer and struggling for years together with a chronic depression. Thanks for the easing my pain and help me experience normalcy again. I can vividly recall all those endless hours of your empathetic listening without which things wouldn't have been the same. Continue to be a blessing to others through your profession.

Lata SharmaMouth Cancer

The day was 24th October when I met my would be life saver ,my power of confidence Dr Tapaswini Pradhan..though at that time I didn't know anything about her,Who is she..what is going to happen with me.... I was totally in a dark nightmare...Life was going to be very difficult everyday because I have been diagnosed by Papillary Carcinoma..and my main trauma was O.T fobia.. as I was suffering from my childhood... The only one way out was Surgical Removal..and that was my fear....

Papia BhattachajeePapillary Carcinoma

मुझे सर्जिकल ओंकोलॉजिष्ट डॉक्टर तपस्वनी प्रधान शर्मा के पास जाने की सलाह दी जो उस वक्त बीएलके हॉस्पिटल के कैंसर सेंटर में डॉक्टर अमित कुमार की टीम में वरिष्ठ सर्जिकल ओंकोलॉजिष्ट थीं और मुझे उन्होंने उनका नंबर भी दिया, मैं डॉक्टर तपस्वनी के पास जब पहुँचा तो बहुत बुरी हालत में था, जबड़े का घाव बुरी तरह से फैलता हुआ आँख तक जा पहुँचा था आपने मुझे सबसे पहले हिम्मत नही हारने का सुझाव दिया, और बेहतरीन इलाज का भरोसा दिलाया...

नदीम खानमुँह और जबड़े में कैंसर

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